Aldridge Pite attends the Atlanta Regional Housing Forum

Aldridge Pite regulatory compliance attorneys attended the Atlanta Regional Housing Forum.  The program included remarks and a fireside chat with Dr. Raphael Bostic, the President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (pictured). The Sixth Federal Reserve District covers Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee.  Dr. Bostic is an economist and expert on housing policy.  Dr. Bostic addressed the Community Reinvestment Act (“CRA”), the applicability of the CRA, and the limited amount of services that occur in physical bank branches.  Dr. Bostic was joined by Lisa Y. Gordon, President & CEO of Atlanta Habitat for Humanity, and Egbert Perry, Chairman & CEO of the Integral Group. The panel discussed concerns raised about income mobility and housing affordability.
Supervising Partner for Regulatory Compliance Judy Newbery advises banks and mortgage companies on regulatory compliance matters. Prior to representing financial institutions in private practice, Ms. Newbery worked as the Deputy Commissioner for Legal & Consumer Affairs for a state banking department, was a senior attorney with the FDIC, and was the Associate General Counsel and Vice President of the Housing Choice Program for the Atlanta Housing Authority. Aldridge Pite has offices in seventeen states.  Ms. Newberry may be reached at